V8.1 Release Note



New colour scheme across the application

  • New color for enabled buttons

  • New splash screen

Better VNC support for remote access

  • Press Shift-Tab to toggle in or out of “fullscreen mode” when connecting through VNC or TeamViewer to view the interface

File Manager

Completely redesigned File Manager

  • More available information to display in columns (vertices and polygons counts, folder, extension, creation and modification dates, etc…)

  • Resizeable columns

  • Customizable column visibility

  • New pre-built, intelligent playlists (used, unused, 3D objects, non-converted, etc…)

  • Centralized network management of source media files (delete, copy, rename, move, etc.)

  • New thumbnails allow for dynamic resizing (they are also larger and preserve the image’s ratio)

Import and conversion tasks panel

  • New commands: Pause All, Restart All, and Cancel All

  • Re-prioritize tasks

Media and 3D objects previewer-player panel

  • Preview media (movies and images) in an embedded player

  • Preview imported 3D objects in an embedded 3D scene

Drag and drop from File Manager to 3D Scene

  • Drag-and-drop 3D objects directly from the File manager to the 3D scene to add them in the scene

Load objects in memory during import (optional)

  • The “Refresh Factory” command is still available as a manual on-demand command

Complete 3D object management over the network

  • Add and delete 3D objects from project across the Photon network

Preference to delete original files from Photon network after conversion

  • Maximize the amount of RAID space for converted material

  • Note that it’s always recommended to keep original files on a backup drive, SAN or NAS nonetheless

3D Scene

Export projectors and cameras pyramid as models (OBJ)

  • Also exports the Box model

Automatically extend the projector and camera frustum to the closest surface

  • Press the E hotkey to calculate, extend, and display the centre point and the four corners of the frustum as they intersect with the surface

  • Exports these 3D point coordinates in CSV format

Projection Study mode displays real-time smoothed projection blending for the Heat map

  • Support for shadows and blending in real-time

Upgraded Primitive UV map feature

  • Affixes the UV map of an object in position and reveals or crops the texture as the object moves in 3D space

Drag-and-drop objects from the Object List to the Visibility list of projectors and cameras

  • To add object to the visibility list of the selected projectors and cameras, you can drag them from the Primitive list to the Calibration window or the visibility list directly

New Moving Light object

  • Associate this object to ArtNet Light Fixture to calibrate and control it from Photon

  • Control intensity from Opacity and Zoom

  • Auto-fade box support, moving light will fade-in or out if it intersects the bounding box of the chosen geometry

New Primitive: Lighting surface

  • A Lighting surface can always face projectors and cameras (as opposed to a projection surface which has its own orientation), preserving its texture regardless of which projector is projecting upon it

Target tracking mode for Projectors and Moving Lights objects

  • Projectors and Light fixtures can now 3D auto-follow any primitive (by aiming at its center) or be linked to a Copernic ID (by aiming the fixture towards this Copernic)

Blinn shader - Specular and Diffuse shading for projection

  • 3D rendering now uses a Blinn shader to illuminate the scene, allowing for better specular and diffuse lighting

Artnet controls available in Device Control menu

  • After creating a projector or a Moving Light, this menu allows to create and link it to an Artnet Fixture

  • The control menu (hotkey: Q) offers control over the Artnet parameters of the selected object (Projector, Moving Light) linked with an Artnet Fixture

  • Target tracking parameters are also present in this menu

Active Rigid point options in Albion reconstruction

  • Albion can be set to “Active Rigid Point” reconstruction meaning that the Rigid points reconstructed by the system are recomputed at every frame in real time (if calibration lines move, tracked object used in calibration move, etc…)

Albion tracking affects the scale of tracked rigid objects

  • In addition to affecting an object’s position and rotation, Albion can now change the scale of tracked objects

Null objects can drive and move Copernic IDs

  • Null object now generates tracking data based on its position if it is linked to a tracker ID

Timing can control Primitive Presets animation instead of speed and acceleration

  • Instead of using acceleration and maximum speed, you can use timing-duration to move from one primitive preset to the another.

New FX Tools

Vortex Force

  • A new Force feature is available to apply to particle streams

Arctan mathematical operation now available

  • Allows you to apply the inverse function of the tangent function to an effect


  • This module calculates the average the values used in a specified time period (i.e. calculate the mean of values used in the past 10 seconds). Can smooth out value changes

VYV Video Streamer (server and client)

  • Used in conjunction, these two modules broadcast and receive a video signal through the Photon network (H264, etc…)

Lighting Multicam Fx

  • Builds a multiview array of all available cameras in the Scene

  • Preview mode renders one of the following:

    • Selected primitives in wireframe

    • All local OptiTrack cameras set in Video mode (MJPEG)

Silhouette Fx

  • Requires Lighting Multicam Fx as source to blend all cameras together into a silhouette on current projection or Lighting surface

  • Auto-select closest cameras for dynamic silhouettes (weight based on angle formed between the camera and the surface)


Universal Cross Fade

  • When enabled, an automatic fade Out - Fade In of a custom duration is applied between contents on surfaces when the Timeline timestamp jumps from one location to another

Visualization of the alpha through a checkerboard representation

  • Enable checkerboard visualization to identify portions of the image that are transparent (Layer view and Preview 2D)

Surfaces can now have internal time disconnected from main time

  • When enabled, a given projection surface can be time-scrubbed freely, while other surfaces remain tied to the main Timeline

  • Supports the Universal Cross Fade feature inside each surface

New Surface Mixer widget

  • You can easily see and manage all surfaces set to internal time. It displays regions and playback state for all surfaces (for example, allowing control and links to Midi mapping)

  • Toggle play-pause for each surface

Audio waveform view at the bottom of the timeline

  • Choose the layer containing audio to be displayed at the bottom of the timeline view

Advanced Timeline Search

  • Search clips by name and type using the Timeline screens

  • Navigate through the selections created via Search

  • Enables quick replace, update, and deletion of clips


Supports Bluefish444 and AJA Kona4 live input cards

  • Single-link or Quad-link modes

  • You can add and declare multiple input devices in Photon for multiple single-link streams

Input devices can be custom named

  • After creating an input device, you can manually edit its default name



Network UI can be toggled On or Off

  • The UI on the network machine can be toggled on or off (used to be “off” only)

Licensing information is now available in the Help > About window

  • The type of the license (Albion, Photon, etc..) and the number and type of outputs (2 x HD, 4 x 4K, etc…) now appear in the Help > About window

Video now displays at the correct Image Aspect Ratio

  • Input device feed now respects the aspect ratio

  • Layer View and Preview 2D in Timeline and Preview window

3D Scene

Position Offset while Tracking 3DOF

  • You can add position offset to tracked objects

Blocker per object in Object Visibility List now accessible for default fixture preset

3D view can be any projector and camera of the scene

  • Select the camera or projector from which to view the scene

Faster rendering through shadow render optimisation

  • Renders up to 2.5X faster with complex scenes on high end GPUs

Increased precision while moving calibration points

  • You can hold Ctrl+Shift while moving the calibration points to move them 100 times slower than normal

FBX models have their own folder in the Primitives menu

  • Imported FBX models now appear in the FBX folder under Primitives


Timeline snapshot

  • Timeline snapshot now saves in PNG format with an alpha channel, if it exists

Improvements to the Timeline preview window

  • 1/2/3/4 hotkey to switch between Preview 2D/LayerView/Preview 3D/Multiview Layers

  • Now centered by default

  • Scaled to fit by default

  • Pan and scale now available in Layer View

  • Layer view displays clips at correct ratio


Particles - Point particles can be shaded (Ambient and Diffuse) by scene lights

  • There is a new input for the Point renderer node that takes Primitives declared as as inputs to shade the particles


Artnet fixture

  • In addition to the previous invert property, you can change the pan control of the ArtNet fixture using a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation

  • Fixture tab is now the first tab to appear in the Artnet menu

Improved access to the Projector Web interface

  • Projector Web interface can be launched from Projector device menu

Can now specify and monitor the Artnet refresh frequency

  • The Artnet refresh frequency can be specified by sending Artnet and monitored by receiving Artnet

Last updated

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