Create a 3D Animation Curve
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Select {System > 3D Scene} or press [Alt+C].
Select {Show > FX Graph} or press [Alt+X].
Open the 3D Scene module.
Add a Curve object. Select {Primitive > Automation > Curve}.
Select the Curve object and open the Properties Option Panel. Select {Option Panels > Properties} or press [P].
Click on the [Add Point] button to create the first Control Point of the Curve.
Select the first point (control point0) and press [V] to activate the Translate Manipulator.
Position the first point with a click-drag.
Select the Curve object again and Click on the [Add Point] button to add a second Control Point. The Curve will now be displayed.
To ease in or out the Curve: select the ease in or out parameters located under the Control Points, press [V], and adjust them with a click-drag.
To add more Control Points:
Select the Curve object and open its Properties panel.
Adjust the t slider to navigate the Curve in time.
Click on the [Add Point] button.
Add a Camera in the 3D Scene. Select {Primitive > Input > Camera}.
Open the FX Graph module.
Create a new Graph. Click on the [+] button.
Activate the [Enable Preview] toggle.
Click on the [Add Node] button and click-drag the /Curve 3D (anim)/ node (located under 3D) in the Graph window.
Assign the Curve object to the node in the Primitives dropdown menu.
Add a /Primitive (Ref)/ node (located under 3D) in the Graph window.
Assign the Camera object to the node in the Primitives dropdown menu.
Expose the node’s Translation parameters. Right-click on the node and select {Exposed Parameters>Translation>Translation X(Y, Z)}.
Expose the node’s Rotation parameters. Right-click on the node and select {Exposed Parameters>Rotation>Rotation X(Y, Z)}.
Link the outputs of the /Curve 3D (anim_)_/ node to their corresponding inputs (Numeric Translation and Rotation) on the /Primitive (Ref)/ node.
Click-drag a /Curve~/ node (located under Signal Generator) in the Graph window.
Connect the output to the node to the input of the /Curve 3D (anim)/ node.
Click on the /Curve~/ node and select {Curve} from the Preview Mode dropdown menu.
Adjust the Curve manually in the Preview.
Adjust the Period (s) slider.
Navigate back to the 3D Scene. Adjust the orientation of the Camera by selecting any option from the Direction Axe dropdown menu located in the Curve object Properties.