File Manger: Manage Files


Select {Show > File Manager} or press [Alt+F].

1. Delete a File

  1. Select the file(s) to be deleted.

  2. Right-click on the file and select {Delete} or press [delete].

2. Find a File in the OS Directory

  • Right-click on a file and select {Show In Folder}.

3. Copy File Name or Path

  • Right-click on a file and select {Copy File Name} or {Copy File Path} from the contextual menu.

4. Manage File Distribution over the Network

Net Column

The Net column displays information about file distribution over the network. A green checkmark will be displayed if the file exists on every computer in the network group. If a file is missing from one or many server in the network group, a red X will be displayed. Hold the mouse over the red X to see where the file is present or missing on the network.

Sync Selected

If a file is missing from one or many computers on the network group, use the Sync Selected function to distribute it over the network.

  • Right-click on the file and select {Sync Selected} from the contextual menu.

Edit Task Group

A user may choose to distribute or delete files in a selection of servers within the network group.

Do the following to edit the Task Group:

  1. Click the [insert gearbox icon] to open the File Manager Settings.

  2. Activate or deactivate the Task Group Selection toggles to include or exclude servers.

File Manager

Last updated